06 Jul 2023

How a North Sydney farm girl became The Rocks best loved psychic

Today the Argyle Oracle is one of The Rocks most iconic attractions, offering psychic readings and much more. On their 30-year anniversary we’re looking back at the fascinating life of the local character who started it all - Helen Beckman.
How a North Sydney farm girl became The Rocks best loved psychic

Clairvoyance runs in the family

Years ago before Helen came to The Rocks she picked up a fascination with astrology and psychic reading: 

“My mum was been clairvoyant and my grandmother used to read tea leaves. My father never mentioned it to me and he was a bit horrified when I became interested in it! I suppose I have a genetic disposition towards it.”

To pursue her interest Helen joined the theosophical society and constantly poured over books on the subject. Eventually she decided that Sydney needed a safe haven for clairvoyance:

“I wanted it to be somewhere private where people could come once, or everyday to feel safe and get an objective view of their situation from a genuine clairvoyant.”

Soon after in 1993 Helen started the Argyle Oracle - now Sydney’s oldest psychic centre.

Thirty years of psychic readings

The Argyle Oracle has moved a couple times since 1993 but it’s never changed. They’ve got several in-house psychics and offer clairvoyant readings, tarot card readings, palmistry, astrology and tarot card lessons:

“All my psychics read differently. But I just allow the clairvoyance to come through me. I tell my clients where they’re at and what’s going on in their lives - then move on to where they’re headed and what’s going to happen.”

This might include career, relationships or moving houses. I don’t look at body language or use last names - I’m not coloured by anything but their presence.”

After readings all of Helen’s clients have a chance to ask questions and stick around for a chat. Helen says everyone’s looking for something different:

“For some it’s just special to have a little time where everything is focused on them. Others have always wanted to try and they walk in on the spur of the moment. Some want to know something specific about their health or career or relationship.”

A long history in The Rocks

Helen’s been giving psychic readings in The Rocks for over 30 years, but she’s been here for 51. She’s worked in several different buildings and remained through huge changes but by the sounds of it she’s not leaving any time soon:

“It just feels like home. I love the history, I love the buildings and the location near the Quay. It’s always moving and growing and changing and finding its own form.”

“It used to just be Australians and interstate tourists who came here. Now we get people from all over the world. This place reflects the world and the world discovering Australia.”

More specifically Helen loves the building that the Argyle Oracle is in right now - and we’re not surprised. It’s a beautiful old terrace right in the heart of George St:

“I’ve had some of the same readers with me for 27 years. Some of my clients have been coming to see me since 1993. Others come and go. The markets kick things up a notch on the weekends. It can be quiet, but I just love it.”

Click here to make an appointment at the Argyle Oracle.